Somatic coaching options for women in business

A candle burning with Kim Kimball in the background sending voice memo coaching

1:1 Somatic Coaching for Women Leaders

Leave behind people-pleasing, codependency and perfectionism and instead discover the freedom that comes from truly partnering with yourself. Learn to align your physical, emotional and mental states to create a business and life that fully supports you. Choose from live 1:1 video sessions or flexible asynchronous voice memo coaching.

Kim Kimball writing in a journal

The Sanctuary Monthly Membership

Designed specifically for highly sensitive women leaders, coaches, or entrepreneurs, this is an online space to do the inner work of entrepreneurship — while supported in community. Expand in your visibility, authenticity and impact while feeling deeply held. Includes group somatic coaching, live Q&As and connection with like-minded leaders.

Oracle cards, The Creative Act: A Way of Being book and feather laid across a timber table.

Free Somatic Coaching Starter Session

Experience what it’s like to work with me as your coach, and dive deep into your leadership goals and challenges during this free session for new clients. We’ll communicate throughout one full day using asynchronous voice memo coaching (via the Signal app). Set your own pace, dig as deep as you want. No obligations and no sales pitch from me.